{"id":627,"date":"2013-10-02T10:27:38","date_gmt":"2013-10-02T10:27:38","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/blogs.poly.com\/?p=627"},"modified":"2013-10-02T10:27:38","modified_gmt":"2013-10-02T10:27:38","slug":"why-sleep-is-so-important","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/blogs.poly.com\/why-sleep-is-so-important\/","title":{"rendered":"Why Sleep is So Important"},"content":{"rendered":"

If you want to be a smarter worker you have to be in good health, thats a given.\u00a0 We all struggle to find time to hit the gym, try to eat healthy, and maybe skip a beer on game day.\u00a0 But do we underrate sleep?\u00a0 Many of us stay up into the wee hours of the night trying to finish up paperwork or working on our blogs.\u00a0 Some of us get up at 5am to start our commute to work.\u00a0 An unlucky few have to do both.\u00a0 Is sleep something we should be more concerned with?<\/p>\n

The average person spends 36% of their life asleep.\u00a0 If you live to be 90, you will sleep for 32 of those years.\u00a0 Many of us see sleep as an illness or a burden.\u00a0 We attempt to avoid it with energy drinks or caffiene.\u00a0 Many feel that sleep is useless because we arent doing anything during it, we aren\u2019t eating or drinking or excercising, but the truth is the brain is doing a lot more than we realize.<\/p>\n

Sleep is turned on and off from a range of interactions in the brain.\u00a0 We actually dont have a consensus on why we sleep, but 3 main hypothesis are widely believed:<\/p>\n