{"id":3128,"date":"2017-10-02T09:02:51","date_gmt":"2017-10-02T16:02:51","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/blogs.poly.com\/?p=3128"},"modified":"2017-10-02T09:02:51","modified_gmt":"2017-10-02T16:02:51","slug":"your-companys-product-roadmap-heres-your-secret-weapon","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/blogs.poly.com\/your-companys-product-roadmap-heres-your-secret-weapon\/","title":{"rendered":"Your Company\u2019s Product Roadmap: Here\u2019s Your Secret Weapon"},"content":{"rendered":"
persona\u00a0<\/strong>per\u00b7so\u00b7na (p\u0259r-s\u014d’n\u0259)\u00a0\u00a0n. pl.\u00a0<\/em>per\u00b7so\u00b7nae\u00a0<\/strong>(-n\u0113)<\/p>\n The\u00a0role that one assumes or displays<\/u>; one’s public image or personality.<\/strong><\/p>\n When you\u2019re looking into the future of your company\u2019s product roadmap, you\u2019ll want to take note of our recently refreshed personae research. In 2013, we here at Plantronics conducted a study of 2000 knowledge workers in the U.S. France and Germany. The purpose of this was to stay ahead of trends in the workforce, and to segment certain styles of work, or \u201cpersonae\u201d, to hone in on how different people work best. This research was so successful with positive impact on our product development, marketing, messaging and large end user customer interactions that we refreshed the study earlier this year (2017). In the refresh, we not only doubled the sample size but also added key markets. In addition to the U.S. France and Germany, we added Brazil, China, India, Mexico and Sweden! In doing this, we looked at what has changed in the original countries with the adoption of UC, and focused on the impact of Millennials \u2013 a group that\u2019s grown from only 12 percent of the workforce in 2013 to almost 50 percent in 2017!<\/p>\n The study was conducted on the premise that when users are comfortable with their devices, and if their devices fit their workstyles, they\u2019ll be more productive and happier. So, it stands to reason that personae are a key factor to consider as we aim to match workstyles to devices and technologies. Not everyone works in the same manner or likes the same devices. Business users expect technologies that allow them to personalize application settings, interfaces and other capabilities, and to let them easily work where they choose.<\/p>\n Some really interesting things came to light out of the updated research. Eight different personae were uncovered, six of which map directly to demographic groups appearing in the original findings. Also, two new segments were identified, reflecting recent workplace and technology developments. But one of the most notable things we discovered in this update was that Millennials are found in each and every one of the eight personae. Specifically, they are primarily found in the three most mobile, flexible personae: Office Collaborator, Flexible Worker and Connected Executive. The other notable item is that every persona cited ambient noise as one of the top three negative aspects in the workplace! This is of course due to the global trend towards open office environments.<\/p>\n