{"id":280,"date":"2012-08-08T14:48:06","date_gmt":"2012-08-08T14:48:06","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/blogs.poly.com\/?p=280"},"modified":"2012-08-08T14:48:06","modified_gmt":"2012-08-08T14:48:06","slug":"could-dissatisfied-employees-be-the-key-to-the-success-of-your-small-business","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/blogs.poly.com\/could-dissatisfied-employees-be-the-key-to-the-success-of-your-small-business\/","title":{"rendered":"Could dissatisfied employees be the key to the success of your small business?"},"content":{"rendered":"

Are your employees satisfied? If so, are you getting the kind of performance from them that your company needs to succeed? \u00a0Conventional thinking suggests that a happy workforce will be more productive. \u00a0However, Robert Sher, a Forbes contributor, doesn\u2019t agree and explains why in \u201cWhy You Need Dissatisifed Employees.\u201d<\/p>\n

In reading the piece you find out that Sher is not advancing the opinion that you should make life unpleasant or uncomfortable for the under performing people who work for you. \u00a0He\u2019s also not talking about employees who are dissatisfied with their job, the company or their boss or supervisor.<\/p>\n

\"\"<\/a>In Sher\u2019s experience working with companies, employees who are dissatisfied with their \u2018own performance, their team\u2019s performance and their company\u2019s performance\u2019 are the ones you want. The less satisfied that employees are with the status quo, the more they strive to become more satisfied. These people are hungry for success, and it\u2019s your job to see that they succeed.<\/p>\n

Sher doesn\u2019t feel the answer to improving employee performance should focus on parties, lots of recognition for a \u201cjob well done\u201d and training. He suggests that there are several elements that go into creating a highly productive working environment. Among them are:<\/p>\n