Tammy Lane, Author at Poly Blog Command the Conversation Mon, 24 Oct 2022 15:44:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.0.3 Thinking Pink with Poly Sync https://blogs.poly.com/thinking-pink-with-poly-sync/ Wed, 06 Oct 2021 08:00:33 +0000 https://blogs.poly.com/?p=5504

What…breast cancer?! How can this be? I am in my early 30s, I have no breast cancer in my family, I have little kids, I don’t have a single risk factor…. the questions went on and on. This was my experience 20 years ago (almost to the day) and I am so blessed to be able to share my story.  

Receiving that call from my doctor was one of those moments where time seemed to stop. I can still tell you exactly where I was, where I was standing, what I was wearing, what he said, etc. Looking back on it, even though I had a doctor question something that looked odd on my breast, a questionable mammogram, then a biopsy, the reality was still shocking. Again, how can this be? Me? Surely my chart was mixed up with someone else!  

Well, it was reality, and I certainly am not alone. Did you know that one in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime*? Breast cancer also doesn’t just focus on women – in 2021, an estimated 2650 men will be diagnosed with breast cancer in the U.S. and 530 men will die from breast cancer*. The bottom line is cancer does not care – young, old, man, woman, single, in a relationship, have a family, don’t have a family, too young to have a family…shockingly it can happen to anyone at any time.  

After many tears, many questions, many doctors’ appointments, and a lot of research later, my next steps began. A lumpectomy to remove the tumor and a sentinel lymph node biopsy to help indicate if the cancer had spread, three months of chemotherapy, six weeks of radiation, then another three months of chemo, and the journey was far from over. Frankly, the journey is never over once you have had cancer.  

 Early Detection is Key 

Joining the ‘cancer’ club is something that I never wanted. Joining the ‘survivors’ club is something I feel blessed to be a part of. I 100% believe what was key to me becoming a survivor was early detection, and luckily my cancer was found at an early stage. Early detection is so important to survival rates!  In fact, breast cancer death rates declined 40 percent from 1989 to 2016 among women, and the progress is attributed to improvements in early detection. (Source: American Cancer Society) 

In addition to my cancer being found early, it was found by a doctor during an annual exam. If she had not found it, I would not have. If I had put off my annual appointments for a few years, which is so easy to do, it could have been disastrous. My message and encouragement to you is: 

  1. Schedule all recommended annual medical appointments.
  2. Once scheduled, make sure you GO! Everyone is so busy, it’s easy to cancel or postpone. I’ll say it again – make medical appointments a priority! 
  3. GET recommended tests done – bloodwork, colonoscopies (not fun, I know), any cancer screening, and women – get your annual mammograms! 

Note that the National Cancer Institute (NCI) states that almost 10,000 excess deaths in the U.S. from breast and colorectal cancer alone over the next 10 years will be because of pandemic-related delays in cancer screening and treatment.  

Poly is in the Fight 

I am very proud to work for a company that wants to help fight breast cancer. In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month this October, Poly is offering a limited-edition Pink Poly Sync 20 Speakerphone. For every Pink Poly Sync 20 sold, Poly is donating $10 to National Breast Cancer Foundation.  

What is the Pink Poly Sync 20? This is the same exact product as our award winning personal and portable Poly Sync 20 speakerphone but in an amazingly fun pink color. The Poly Sync 20 really is a 3 in 1 product: 

  1. A speakerphone that easily connects to your mobile phone via Bluetooth or to your PC via USB. Perfect for business or personal calls.  
  2. A fantastic music speaker. 
  3. Last, but certainly not least, the Poly Sync 20 also charges your mobile phone via USB.  

Survivors – Let’s keep it going! 

There are over 3.8 million breast cancer survivors in the United States (cancer.org). We need to continue to increase this number!  That is where organizations such as National Breast Cancer Foundation come in. The funds they raise are focused on breast cancer-fighting initiatives such as early detection (so important!), education, and support services to those affected by breast cancer. Learn more at: https://www.nationalbreastcancer.org/ 

Remember, for every Pink Poly Sync 20 purchased $10 is going to National Breast Cancer Foundation. The Pink Poly Sync 20 is the perfect gift for yourself, your employees, or your friends and family. Buy yours today at Poly.com or Amazon. 

 Thank you for reading my story, purchase your Pink Poly Sync 20 today, and don’t forget to schedule those appointments! 


*Source: National Breast Cancer Foundation 
